Daniel Klibanoff is a firm believer in giving back. He has donated endless hours to non-profit work, as well as financially supported causes has has an affinity for. Daniel and his wife Cathleen started Angels Among Us as a non-profit to provide financial help to children who were in need of assistance for college and have shown a real commitment to civic duty by doing consistent volunteer work in their communities. Daniel and Cathleen strongly believe that preparing our children for the future by broadening their horizons educationally, as well as through civic involvement are essential to breaking the cycle of poverty, substance abuse and dependence.
Daniel Klibanoff has won outstanding achievement awards from the American Heart Association and Muscular Dystrophy Association for his leadership, and surpassing fundraising goals. Daniel has served on numerous boards for non-profit organizations. He has contributed to these causes personally as well as financially.
Daniel hobbies include photography, film, theatre, spending time with his family, and water sports.